Time Management Clock

My vision for my clock is a device that makes time management easier. For example, if i want to be productive for 30 minutes, often I’m guilty of waiting until the next round number, like 4:30, and then work until 5. During an exam, if it doesn’t start on the dot, it takes some time to figure out exactly how much time is left and where … Continue reading Time Management Clock

Rust: An indicator of time

This pipe just outside of my dorm has heavily rusted as it has aged. Rusting is a way for nature to indicate that time has passed – when we see it, we immediately associate it with age and “old.” Unlike the cycles of leaves changing color or rings in a tree trunk, it doesn’t really have cycles. It is quite mysterious, since the rust forms depending on … Continue reading Rust: An indicator of time

Modular Textile: More Iterations

Oct 18// Updated Oct 20 After the initial proof of concept, I expanded to a swatch and tested two concepts: Modular, customizable units, as well as a locking mechanism to attach the two ends together. Below is an example of one of such units. The spikes in the middle is printed in the clear material, and slots into the grid nicely. Even though it’s not … Continue reading Modular Textile: More Iterations